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Other Capacity on Demand Advanced Functions

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Other Capacity on Demand Advanced Functions

This topic explains other Capacity on Demand (CoD) Advanced Functions such as Enterprise Enablement, Active Memory™ Expansion, worldwide port name renewal, Live Partition Mobility Trial, activation for 256-core LPAR and Active Memory Mirroring for Hypervisor.

Enterprise Enablement features

Enterprise Enablement is a Capacity on Demand Advanced Function technology that enables the system for 5250 online transaction processing (OLTP).

The following table describes the Enterprise Enablement features. Full-system Enterprise Enablement means that 100% of the processor cores are enabled.

Table 1. Enterprise Enablement features
Machine type and model Single-processor enterprise enablement Full-system enterprise enablement
8205-E6B 4970, 4973 4974
8205-E6C 4970, 4973 4974
8205-E6D 4970, 4973 4974
8231-E2B 4970 4974
8231-E1C and 8231-E2C 4970 4974
8231-E1D, 8231-E2D , and 8268-E1D 4970 4974
8233-E8B 4988 4989
8236-E8C 4988 4989
8408-E8D 4988 4989
8412-EAD 4992 4997
9109-RMD 4988 4989
9117-MMB 4992 4997
9117-MMC 4992 4997
9117-MMD 4992 4997
9119-FHB 4995 4996
9179-MHB 4992 4997
9179-MHC 4992 4997
9179-MHD 4992 4997

Active Memory Expansion

Active Memory Expansion (AME) is a POWER7® function available for use in AIX® partitions (AIX 6.1 or later with Technology Level 4).

With AME, memory can be expanded beyond the physical limits of the server or of the true physical memory assigned to the AIX partition by using compression and decompression of memory content.

Depending on your data's characteristics and the available processor resource, you might see expansion up to 100% of the true memory that can allow your partition to do more work, or allow your server to run more partitions and do more work, or both. After Active Memory Expansion is enabled on the server, you control which AIX partitions use Active Memory Expansion and control the degree of expansion.

You can evaluate the use of Active Memory Expansion at no charge with Trial Capacity on Demand (Trial CoD). With Trial CoD, the Active Memory Expansion function can be temporarily activated for up to 60 days at no charge. Trial Active Memory Expansion is available once per server and it allows you to validate the benefits your POWER7 server can realize.

Complete the following steps to order Trial Active Memory Expansion:

  1. Go to the Trial Capacity on Demand website:

    Trial Capacity on Demand

  2. Select the request for Active Memory Expansion.
  3. Retrieve the activation code by going to

    Active Memory Expansion request

Table 2. Active Memory Expansion features
Machine type and model Active Memory Expansion feature
8202-E4B 4793
8202-E4C 4793
8202-E4D 4793
8205-E6B 4794
8205-E6C 4794
8205-E6D 4794
8231-E2B 4795
8231-E1C and 8231-E2C 4795
8231-E1D and 8231-E2D 4795
8233-E8B 4792
8236-E8C 4792
9117-MMB 4791
9117-MMC 4791
9119-FHB 4790
9179-MHB 4791
9179-MHC 4791

Worldwide port name renewal code

A worldwide port name (WWPN) is a unique 64-bit identifier that is assigned to a fibre channel node port, called an N_port. The storage area network (SAN) administrator assigns storage to a WWPN. This scheme provides security that limits access to storage on the SAN. The fibre channel standards allow N_Port virtualization, called NPIV, so that one N_port can be shared and require the generation of a unique worldwide port name for each NPIV. Each IBM® server that supports NPIV provides up to 64,000 unique WWPNs. When a server indicates that there are no WWPNs remaining, customers must request a WWPN renewal code on the website. The code enables a WWPN prefix, which provides the first 48 bits of each WWPN and makes 64,000 more WWPNs available on the server.

Live Partition Mobility Trial

The Live Partition Mobility feature enables live partitions in servers with no application downtime, resulting in better system utilization, improved application availability, and energy savings. You can use the Live Partition Mobility Trial version to evaluate Live Partition Mobility free of charge for a period of 60 days. After the trial period of 60 days, if you want to continue to use Live Partition Mobility, you can order the PowerVM® Enterprise Edition. If you do not upgrade to PowerVM Enterprise Edition, at the end of the trial period, your system automatically returns to PowerVM Standard Edition.

Table 3. Trial PowerVM feature
Machine Trial PowerVM feature

Activation for 256 core LPAR

The activation for 256 core LPAR feature permanently enables greater than 128 cores and up to 256 cores per dedicated processor partition on the 9119-FHB POWER7 servers. Without this feature, the largest partition that can be created is up to 128 cores. Micropartitions, which are not affected by this feature, can only be created with a maximum of 128 virtual processors.

Note: The System Partition Processor Limit (SPPL) setting must be set to the maximum value to allow a partition to be created with more than 32 cores. If the system is running in TurboCore mode, a partition cannot be created with more than 128 cores.
Table 4. Activation for 256-core LPAR
Machine Activation for 256-core LPAR
9119-FHB 1256

Active Memory Mirroring for hypervisor

Active Memory Mirroring for hypervisor is designed to ensure that system operation continues even in the unlikely event of an uncorrectable error occurring in main memory used by the system hypervisor. The feature permanently activates the Active Memory Mirroring for hypervisor capability on the 9179-MHC POWER7 servers. When this feature is activated, two identical copies of the system hypervisor are maintained in memory at all times. Both copies are simultaneously updated with any changes. In the event of a memory failure on the primary copy, the second copy is automatically called, eliminating platform outages due to uncorrectable errors in system hypervisor memory.

Table 5. Active Memory Mirroring for Hypervisor
Machine Active Memory Mirroring feature
9117-MMC 4797
9117-MMD 4797

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015

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Viewing and saving PowerVM Editions technologies code-generation information

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Viewing and saving PowerVM Editions technologies code-generation information

You can view and save PowerVM® Editions code-generation information using the Hardware Management Console ( HMC ). You might need to do this if the PowerVM Editions code that was provided for your server does not work.

You can view PowerVM Editions code-generation information, and then save it to a file on a remote system or to a file on removable media. The information used to generate your PowerVM Editions codes must exactly match the information shown on the HMC PowerVM Editions Code Information window. To update the information that is used to generate your PowerVM Editions codes, use the PowerVM Editions Code Information window to save the PowerVM Editions code information to a file on a remote system or to a file on removable media. Then, you can either attach the file to an email, or print the file and fax it to your Capacity on Demand (CoD) administrator.

To view and save PowerVM Editions code-generation information, do the following:

  1. In the navigation area of the HMC window, expand Systems Management .
  2. Select Servers .
  3. In the contents area, select the server on which you want to view and save your code-generation information.
  4. Select Tasks .
  5. Select Capacity on Demand .
  6. Select Power VM .
  7. Select View Code information .
  8. On the Show Code Information page, click Save to save the activation code information to a file on a remote system or to media.
  9. In the Save Activation Code Information window, select one of the following options, and then perform the task associated with that option.
    Option Description
    Save to a file on a remote system
    1. Enter the remote system name, file name, user ID, and password
    2. Click OK to save the activation code information or click Cancel to exit the panel without saving the activation code information.
    Save to media
    1. Click OK .
    2. Select your device. The following options might be displayed (the list will include only those removable media devices that are available for use on the HMC ):
      • Diskette drive
      • Flash memory
      • USB diskette drive
    3. Click OK to save the CoD code-generation information, or click Cancel to exit the panel without saving the CoD code information.

To fax or send an email with the PowerVM Editions code information in it to your PowerVM Editions or CoD administrator, use one of these options to send your information:

  • Fax-to information:
    • Send to: Capacity on Demand Administrator
    • Fax number: 507-253-4553
    • Location: Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.
  • Fax-from information:
    • Customer name:
    • Customer contact name:
    • Customer address:
    • Customer phone number:
    • Customer fax number:
  • If you are using email, send the electronic image of the code information in an email to the appropriate address:
    • IBM® System i5® or eServer™ i5 models: icod@us.ibm.com
    • IBM System p5® or eServer p5 models: pcod@us.ibm.com

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015
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Viewing history log for PowerVM Editions activations

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Viewing history log for PowerVM Editions activations

You can see what PowerVM® Editions technologies activations are entered and what capabilities have been enabled on your server by using the history log.

To view the PowerVM Editions technologies activations that have been entered and the capabilities that have been enabled, do the following:

  1. In the navigation area of the HMC window, expand Systems Management .
  2. Select Servers .
  3. In the contents area, select the server on which you want to view the history log.
  4. Select Tasks .
  5. Select Capacity on Demand .
  6. Select Power VM .
  7. Select View History Log .

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015
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Activating PowerVM Editions

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Activating PowerVM Editions

To activate PowerVM® Editions , you must enter an activation code from the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) menu interface. You can also use the Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) interface.

To activate PowerVM Editions on the HMC , you must have an HMC super administrator user role.

To enter a PowerVM Editions code, do the following:

  1. Retrieve the enablement code by going to http://www-912.ibm.com/pod/pod
  2. Enter your activation code on your server using the HMC . To enter your code, do the following:
    1. In the navigation area of the HMC window, expand Systems Management .
    2. Select Servers .
    3. In the contents area, select the server on which you want enter your activation code.
    4. Select Tasks .
    5. Select Capacity on Demand .
    6. Select PowerVM .
    7. Select Enter Activation Code .
    8. Type your activation code in the Code field and click OK .

You can now begin using PowerVM Editions .

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015
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Using PowerVM Editions

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Using PowerVM Editions

You can activate Virtualization Engine technologies after you order the features. Learn about how to view a history log of your past PowerVM® Editions activations and code-generation information.

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015
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Ordering PowerVM Editions features

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Ordering PowerVM Editions features

You can order PowerVM® Editions features for a new server, a server model upgrade, or an installed server.

For a new server or a server model upgrade, your order can contain one or more PowerVM Editions features, resulting in a single PowerVM Editions code. In this case, the PowerVM Editions code is entered before the server is sent to you.

When you order PowerVM Editions features for an installed server, determine which PowerVM Editions technology you want to enable and then order the associated features. A single PowerVM Editions code will be generated for you to enter that enables all of the technologies that you ordered.

Perform the following steps to order one or more PowerVM Editions features:

  1. Determine which PowerVM Editions features you want to enable. For more information, see PowerVM Editions concepts.
  2. Contact your IBM® Business Partner or IBM sales representative to place your order for one or more PowerVM Editions features.
  3. Enter the resulting code on your server to enable PowerVM Editions . See Activating PowerVM Editions for more information.

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Last updated: Thu, April 09, 2015
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