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Configure AWS Integration — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Configure AWS Integration¶

On this page

  • Considerations
  • Rolling Resync onto New EC2 Instances
  • Update a Replica Set’s Hostnames


The ability to provision MongoDB servers in AWS using Cloud Manager was retired in October 2017.

  • Any existing clusters continue as they are.
  • This retirement impacts DNS entries in the following ways:
    • Entries for existing servers continue to resolve to the same IP address to which they currently resolve until at least January 1, 2023.
    • Servers that undergo a change of IP address due to maintenance or an instance stop/restart will no longer be resolvable via their mongodbdns.com hostname.
    • All existing mongodbdns.com hostnames will stop working in May 2023.
  • Cloud Manager can manage hosts provisioned directly through AWS . See Provision Servers for Automation .
  • If you are interested in fully managed provisioning on AWS , evaluate MongoDB Atlas.

If you want to continue using Cloud Manager to manage these deployments, update the hostname for each host using one of the following methods for a replica set:

  • Rolling Resync onto New EC2 Instances
  • Update a Replica Set’s Hostnames


These procedures involve stepping down the old primary and triggering at least one election for a new primary. All writes to the primary fail during the period starting when the rs.stepDown() method is received until either a new primary is elected, or if there are no electable secondaries, the original primary resumes normal operation. For MongoDB versions 4.0 and earlier, all client connections are closed.

Consider performing this procedure during a maintenance window during which applications stop all write operations to the cluster.

To learn more about elections, see rs.stepDown() behavior and Replica Set Elections .

Rolling Resync onto New EC2 Instances¶


Create a new EC2 instance for each member of the replica set.¶


Replace each non-primary replica set member with a new EC2 instance.¶

  1. Add a new instance to the replica set using its EC2 hostname. To learn more, see Add Members to a Replica Set.
  2. Wait for the initial sync to complete. To learn how to get the status of an initial sync, see the MongoDB manual.
  3. Remove one old replica set member with a mongodbdns.com hostname. To learn more, see Remove Members from Replica Set.

Repeat for each non-primary replica set member.


Change your application connection string to use the AWS EC2 hostnames.¶


Replace the primary with a new EC2 instance.¶

  1. Add the last new instance to the replica set using its EC2 hostname. To learn more, see Add Members to a Replica Set.

  2. Wait for the initial sync to complete. To learn how to get the status of an initial sync, see the MongoDB manual.

  3. Connect to the primary and step it down. To learn more, see rs.stepDown() .


    Stepping down the primary triggers at least one election for a new primary. To learn more about elections, see Replica Set Elections .

  4. Remove the old primary with the mongodbdns.com hostname from the replica set. To learn more, see Remove Members from Replica Set.

Update a Replica Set’s Hostnames¶

Follow the Change Hostnames while Maintaining Replica Set Availability procedure in the MongoDB manual.

An overview of the linked procedure is as follows:


Connect to the primary.¶


Remove a secondary member from the replica set and re-add it using its EC2 hostname.¶

Repeat for each non-primary member of the replica set.


Change your application connection string to use the AWS EC2 hostnames.¶


Reconnect to the primary and step it down.¶


Stepping down the primary triggers at least one election for a new primary. To learn more about elections, see Replica Set Elections .


Connect to the new primary.¶


Remove the old primary from the replica set and re-add it using its EC2 hostname.¶

Stop, Restart, or Terminate a Backup — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Stop, Restart, or Terminate a Backup¶

On this page

  • Stop Backup for a Deployment
  • Restart Backup for a Deployment
  • Terminate a Deployment’s Backups

When you stop backups for a replica set or sharded cluster Cloud Manager stops taking new snapshots but retains existing snapshots until their listed expiration date.

If you later restart backups for replica set or cluster, Cloud Manager might perform an initial sync , depending on how much time has elapsed.

If you terminate a backup, Cloud Manager immediately deletes all the backup’s snapshots.

Stop Backup for a Deployment¶


Click Continuous Backup , then the Overview tab.¶


On the line listing the process, click the ellipsis icon and click Stop


Click the Stop button.¶

If prompted for an authentication code, enter the code and click Verify . Click Stop again.

Restart Backup for a Deployment¶


Click Continuous Backup , then the Overview tab.¶


On the line listing the process, click the ellipsis icon and click Restart


Select a Sync source and click Restart.

Terminate a Deployment’s Backups¶

Terminating a backup triggers a full backup

If you terminate a backup, Cloud Manager immediately deletes the backup’s snapshots. The next backup job runs as a full backup rather than an incremental backup.


Click Continuous Backup , then the Overview tab.¶


Click the ellipsis h icon next to the backup.¶


Click the Stop button.¶

If prompted for an authentication code, enter the code and click Verify . Click Stop again.


Once the backup has stopped, click the backup’s ellipsis icon and click Terminate


Click the Terminate button.¶

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Manage Alerts — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Manage Alerts¶

On this page

  • Overview
  • View Alerts
  • View All Activity
  • Retrieve the Activity Feed
  • Acknowledge an Alert
  • Unacknowledge an Alert
  • Disable Alerts for a Specific Process
  • Suspend Alerts by Adding a Maintenance Window


Cloud Manager issues alerts for the database and server conditions configured in your alert settings . When a condition triggers an alert, you receive the alert at regular intervals until the alert resolves or Cloud Manager cancels it. You should fix the immediate problem, implement a long-term solution, and view metrics to monitor your progress.

View Alerts¶


If it is not already displayed, click the All Alerts tab.¶

View All Activity¶


Filter the activity feed.¶

You can filter the organization activity feed by event type and time range. You can combine filtering methods together for greater control over the activity feed output.

Filter by event

Select the event categories or specific events you want to see from the activity feed. To exclude specific categories or events from the activity feed, click Select all categories and events , then deselect the categories and events you want to exclude.

You can filter events based on the following categories:

Category Description
Access Events related to Cloud Manager users.
Alerts Events related to alert configuration and monitoring.
Billing Events related to payments and payment methods.
Others Miscellaneous events, including log retrieval and mLab events.
Organization Events related to your Cloud Manager organization.
Projects Events related to Cloud Manager projects.
Filter by time range
Select a Start Date and End Date to view events from within a specified time range. Once you have configured a time range, click Apply Dates to update the activity feed with the specified range.

Retrieve the Activity Feed¶

You can retrieve events for a specified organization or project using the Events API resource.

Acknowledge an Alert¶

When you acknowledge the alert, Cloud Manager sends no further notifications to the alert’s distribution list until the acknowledgment period has passed or until you resolve the alert. The distribution list receives no notification of the acknowledgment.

If the alert condition ends during the acknowledgment period, Cloud Manager sends a notification of the resolution.

If you configure an alert with PagerDuty, a third-party incident management service, you can only acknowledge the alert on your PagerDuty dashboard.


Navigate to the Alerts page for your organization.¶

  1. If it is not already displayed, select your desired organization from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Alerts in the sidebar.

Acknowledge alerts¶

To acknowledge a single alert, on the line item for the alert, click Acknowledge .

To acknowledge multiple, but not all, alerts:

  1. Check the checkbox to the left of each alert to acknowledge.
  2. Click Mark Acknowledge above the table.

To acknowledge all alerts:

  1. Select the checkbox in the table header to select every alert.
  2. Click Mark Acknowledge above the table.

Select the time period for which to acknowledge the alert.¶

Click the time frame for which you no longer wish to receive alerts.

Cloud Manager sends no further alert messages for the period of time you select.


Optional: If all Alerts were checked, select All Visible or All Open Alerts

If all alerts are checked, then another set of radio buttons appear:

  • Click Acknowledge all visible checked alerts to acknowledge all alerts that were loaded onto the page.
  • Click Acknowledge all open alerts to acknowledge all alerts: checked, unchecked, visible and not visible on the current page.

Click Acknowledge to confirm.¶

Unacknowledge an Alert¶

You can undo an acknowledgment and again receive notifications if the alert condition still applies.


Navigate to the Alerts page for your organization.¶

  1. If it is not already displayed, select your desired organization from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Alerts in the sidebar.

On the line item for the alert, click Unacknowledge


Click Confirm

If the alert condition continues to exist, Cloud Manager resends the alerts.

Disable Alerts for a Specific Process¶

You can turn off alerts for a given process. This might be useful, for example, if you want to temporarily disable the process but do not want it hidden from monitoring. Use the following procedure both to turn alerts off or on.


On the line listing the process, click the ellipsis icon and select Monitoring Settings


Select Alert Status and then modify the alert settings.¶

Suspend Alerts by Adding a Maintenance Window¶

Specify maintenance windows to temporarily turn off alert notifications for a given resource while you perform maintenance.

To view maintenance windows:


Click the Maintenance Windows filter.¶

Add or Edit a Maintenance Window¶


Navigate to the Alert Settings tab.¶

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click the bell icon Project Alerts icon in the navigation bar, or click Alerts in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Alert Settings tab.

Add or edit a maintenance window.¶

  • To add a maintenance window: Click the Add button and select New Maintenance Window .
  • To edit a maintenance window: Click the Maintenance Windows filter, then click the ellipsis icon for a mainenance window and select Edit .

Select the target components for which to suspend alerts.¶

Note that selecting the Host target selects both HOST and HOST_METRIC alert configurations returned through the alertConfigs endpoint .


Select the time period for which to suspend alerts.¶


Enter an optional description for the maintenance window.¶


Click Save

Delete a Maintenance Window¶


Navigate to the Alert Settings tab.¶

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click the bell icon Project Alerts icon in the navigation bar, or click Alerts in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Alert Settings tab.

Click the Maintenance Windows filter.¶


For the window to delete, click the ellipsis icon and select Delete


Click Confirm

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Install MongoDB Agent — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Install MongoDB Agent¶

Installation Instructions in Cloud Manager Interface

Cloud Manager displays the MongoDB Agent install instructions after you choose your MongoDB Agent download. You can copy all the necessary commands from the Cloud Manager.


Please review the MongoDB Agent Prerequisites before installing the MongoDB Agent.

There are two workflows to follow when using MongoDB Agents with MongoDB hosts:

Install the MongoDB Agent to Manage Deployments
Recommended: You have a project and want to install the MongoDB Agent to manage your MongoDB deployments. You can also monitor and back up your MongoDB deployments following this workflow.
Install the MongoDB Agent to Only Monitor or Backup Deployments
You have a project and want to install the MongoDB Agent to monitor and/or back up your MongoDB deployments. You are choosing not to manage your MongoDB deployments at this time.
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View, Retrieve, and Manage Logs — MongoDB Cloud Manager

View, Retrieve, and Manage Logs¶

On this page

  • MongoDB Real-Time Logs
    • View MongoDB Real-Time Logs
    • Enable or Disable Log Collection for a Deployment
    • Enable or Disable Log Collection for the Project
  • MongoDB On-Disk Logs
    • Configure Log Rotation
  • Agent Logs
    • View Agent Logs
    • Configure Agent Log Rotation

Cloud Manager collects log information for both MongoDB processes and its agents. For MongoDB processes, you can access both real-time logs and on-disk logs.

  • The MongoDB logs provide the diagnostic logging information for your mongod and mongos processes.
  • The Agent logs provide insight into the behavior of your Cloud Manager agents.

MongoDB Real-Time Logs¶

The MongoDB Agent issues the getLog command with every monitoring ping. This command collects log entries from RAM cache of each MongoDB process.

Cloud Manager enables real-time log collection by default. You can disable log collection for either all MongoDB deployments in a Cloud Manager project or for individual MongoDB deployments . If you disable log collection, Cloud Manager continues to display previously collected log entries.

View MongoDB Real-Time Logs¶


(Optional) For sharded clusters, filter which process type is listed.¶

The four buttons are listed in the following order, left to right: Shards , Configs , Mongos , and BIs .

Process Displays
Shards mongod processes that host your data.
Configs mongod processes that run as config servers to store a sharded cluster’s metadata.
Mongos mongos processes that route data in a sharded cluster.
BIs BI processes that access data in a sharded cluster.

On the line listing the process, click Metrics


Click the Logs tab.¶

The tab displays log information. If the tab is not displayed, see Enable or Disable Log Collection for a Deployment to enable log collection.


Refresh the browser window to view updated entries.¶

Enable or Disable Log Collection for a Deployment¶


Navigate to the Clusters view for your deployment.¶

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Clusters view.

On the line for any process, click the ellipsis [ ] icon then click Monitoring Settings


Toggle Collect Logs For Host as desired.¶

  1. Click the Logs tab.
  2. Toggle the Collect Logs For Host to Off or On , as desired.

Click X to close the Monitoring Settings box.¶

If you turn off log collection, existing log entries remain in the Logs tab, but Cloud Manager does not collect new entries.

Enable or Disable Log Collection for the Project¶


Click Settings , then Project Settings


Toggle the Collect Logs For All Hosts option to Yes or No , as desired.¶

MongoDB On-Disk Logs¶

Cloud Manager collects on-disk logs even if the MongoDB instance is not running. The MongoDB Agent collects the logs from the location you specified in the MongoDB systemLog.path configuration option. The MongoDB on-disk logs are a subset of the real-time logs and therefore less verbose.


This option isn’t available for deployed MongoDB processes if the systemLog.destination property is set to syslog .

You can configure log rotation for the on-disk logs. Cloud Manager rotates logs by default.

This procedure rotates both system and audit logs for Cloud Manager.

Configure Log Rotation¶

Cloud Manager can rotate and compress logs for clusters that the MongoDB Agent manages. If the MongoDB Agent only monitors a cluster, it ignores that cluster’s logs.


If you’re running MongoDB Enterprise version 5.0 or later and MongoDB Agent or later, you can:

  • Set separate rules for rotating server logs and audit logs.
  • Compress and delete audit logs using Cloud Manager. For security reasons, we recommend managing your audit log compression and deletion outside of Cloud Manager.

If you’re running earlier versions of MongoDB Enterprise or the MongoDB Agent, Cloud Manager:

  • Uses your System Log Rotation settings to rotate both the server logs and the audit logs.
  • Doesn’t compress or delete audit logs. If you configure compression and deletion, Cloud Manager applies these settings to the server logs only.

MongoDB Community users can rotate, compress, and delete the server logs only.


When using this feature, disable any platform-based log-rotation services like logrotate . If the MongoDB Agent only monitors the cluster, that cluster may use platform-based services.


Open the MongoDB Log Settings

  1. Click Deployment .
  2. In the More drop-down list, click MongoDB Log Settings .

Enable log rotation.¶

Toggle System Log Rotation to ON to rotate server logs.

MongoDB Enterprise users running MongoDB Enterprise version 5.0 or later and MongoDB Agent and later can also toggle Audit Log Rotation to ON to rotate audit logs and configure audit log rotation separately.

If you’re running earlier versions of MongoDB Enterprise or the MongoDB Agent, setting System Log Rotation to ON also rotates audit logs.

Set log rotation to OFF if you don’t want Cloud Manager to rotate its logs. Log rotation is OFF by default.

After you enable log rotation, Cloud Manager displays additional log rotation settings.


Configure the log rotation settings.¶

Cloud Manager rotates the logs on your MongoDB hosts per the following settings:

Field Necessity Action Default
Size Threshold (MB) Required Cloud Manager rotates log files that exceed this maximum log file size. 1000
Time Threshold (Hours) Required Cloud Manager rotates logs that exceed this duration. 24
Max Uncompressed Files Optional

Log files can remain uncompressed until they exceed this number of files. Cloud Manager compresses the oldest log files first.

If you leave this setting empty, Cloud Manager will use the default of 5 .

Max Percent of Disk Optional

Log files can take up to this percent of disk space on your MongoDB host’s log volume. Cloud Manager deletes the oldest log files once they exceed this disk threshold.

If you leave this setting empty, Cloud Manager will use the default of 2% .

Total Number of Files Optional Total number of log files. If a number is not specified, the total number of log files defaults to 0 and is determined by other Rotate Logs settings. 0

When you are done, click Save to review your changes.


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.¶

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

Agent Logs¶

Cloud Manager collects logs for all your MongoDB Agents.

View Agent Logs¶


Click Deployment , then the Agents tab, then Agent Logs

The page displays logs for the type of agent selected in the View drop-down list. The page filters logs according to any filters selected in through the gear icon.


Filter the log entries.¶

To display logs for a different type of agent, use the View drop-down list.

To display logs for a specific hosts or MongoDB processes, click the gear icon and make your selections.

To clear filters, click the gear icon and click Remove Filters .

To download the selected logs, click the gear icon and click Download as CSV File .


To view logs for a specific agent, you can alternatively click the Agents tab’s All Agents list and then click view logs for the agent.

Configure Agent Log Rotation¶

If you use Automation to manage your cluster, follow this procedure to configure rotation of the Agent log files.


If you haven’t enabled Automation, see the following documentation for information about how to manually configure logging settings in the agent configuration files:

  • MongoDB Agent General Logging Settings
  • MongoDB Agent Monitoring Logging Settings
  • MongoDB Agent Backup Logging Settings

Click Deployment , then the Agents tab.¶


Click Downloads & Settings


Scroll down to the Agent Log Settings section.¶


Edit the log settings.¶

Click the pencil icon to edit the Monitoring Agent or Backup Agent log settings:

Name Type Description
Linux Log File Path string

Conditional: Logs on a Linux host. The path to which the agent writes its logs on a Linux host.

The suggested value is:

Windows Log File Path string

Conditional: Logs on a Windows host. The path to which the agent writes its logs on a Windows host.

The suggested value is:

Rotate Logs Toggle A toggle to select if the logs should be rotated.
Size Threshold (MB) integer The size where the logs rotate automatically. The default value is 1000 .
Time Threshold (Hours) integer The duration of time when the logs rotate automatically. The default value is 24 .
Max Uncompressed Files integer Optional. The greatest number of log files, including the current log file, that should stay uncompressed. The suggested value is 5 .
Max Percent of Disk integer Optional. The greatest percentage of disk space on your MongoDB hosts that the logs should consume. The suggested value is 2% .
Total Number of Files integer Optional. The total number of log files. If a number is not specified, the total number of log files defaults to 0 and is determined by other Rotate Logs settings.

When you are done, click Save .


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.¶


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.¶

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

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Organizations and Projects — MongoDB Cloud Manager

Organizations and Projects¶

On this page

  • Organizations
  • Projects
  • Teams
  • Invitations to Organizations and Projects


Cloud Manager provides a new organizations and projects hierarchy to help you manage your Cloud Manager deployments. Groups are now known as projects. You can create many projects in an organization.


In the organizations and projects hierarchy, an organization can contain many projects (previously referred to as groups). Under this structure, you can:

  • Use the same billing settings across multiple projects in your organization.
  • View all projects within an organization, create teams of users, and assign teams to projects. See Organizations .
  • Connect to Atlas as part of live migration to Atlas. See Connect to Atlas .


Groups are now projects. Previously, users managed deployments by groups, where each group was managed separately even if a user belonged to multiple groups.

Existing Groups¶

If you have existing groups, organizations have been automatically created for your groups (now projects), and your groups have been placed under these organizations.

If your groups share the same billing settings, they have been placed in the same organization.


Deployments are now associated with projects. As before, deployments must have unique names within projects. See Projects and Edit Project Settings .


You can create teams of users and then assign teams of users to projects. See Cloud Manager Access .

Invitations to Organizations and Projects¶

You can view and accept invitations to organizations and projects. See Invitations to Organizations and Projects .

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