Backup and Restoring procedures
Object storage
Backups to S3
Backups to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
Pod eviction issues
“Bucket not found” errors
“AccessDeniedException: 403” errors in GCP
Backup and restore a GitLab instance
GitLab Helm chart provides a utility pod from the Toolbox sub-chart that acts as an interface for the purpose of backing up and restoring GitLab instances. It is equipped with a
executable which interacts with other necessary pods for this task.
Technical details for how the utility works can be found in the architecture documentation.
Backup and Restore procedures described here have only been tested with S3 compatible APIs. Support for other object storage services, like Google Cloud Storage, will be tested in future revisions.
During restoration, the backup tarball needs to be extracted to disk. This means the Toolbox pod should have disk of necessary size available.
This chart relies on the use of object storage for
objects, and does not currently migrate these for you during restore. If you are restoring a backup taken from another instance, you must migrate your existing instance to using object storage before taking the backup. See issue 646.
Backup and Restoring procedures
Backing up a GitLab installation
Restoring a GitLab installation
Object storage
We provide a MinIO instance out of the box when using this charts unless an external object storage is specified. The Toolbox connects to the included MinIO by default, unless specific settings are given. The Toolbox can also be configured to back up to Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Backups to S3
The Toolbox uses
to connect to object storage. In order to configure connectivity to external object storage
should be specified which points to a Kubernetes secret containing a
should be specified if different from the default of
. This points to the key containing the contents of a
It should look like this:
helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.config.secret=my-s3cfg \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.config.key=config .
file documentation can be found here
In addition, two bucket locations need to be configured, one for storing the backups, and one temporary bucket that is used
when restoring a backup.
--set global.appConfig.backups.bucket=gitlab-backup-storage
--set global.appConfig.backups.tmpBucket=gitlab-tmp-storage
Backups to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
To backup to GCS you must set
. This ensures that the Toolbox uses the
CLI when storing and retrieving
objects. Additionally you must set
to the project ID of the GCP project that contains your storage buckets.
You must create a Kubernetes secret with the contents of an active service account JSON key where the service account has the
role for the buckets
you will use for backup. Below is an example of using the
to create the secret.
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
gcloud iam service-accounts create gitlab-gcs --display-name "Gitlab Cloud Storage"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --role roles/storage.admin ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:gitlab-gcs@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account gitlab-gcs@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com storage.config
kubectl create secret generic storage-config --from-file=config=storage.config
Configure your Helm chart as follows to use the service account key to authenticate to GCS for backups:
helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.config.secret=storage-config \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.config.key=config \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.config.gcpProject=my-gcp-project-id \
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.objectStorage.backend=gcs
In addition, two bucket locations need to be configured, one for storing the backups, and one temporary bucket that is used
when restoring a backup.
--set global.appConfig.backups.bucket=gitlab-backup-storage
--set global.appConfig.backups.tmpBucket=gitlab-tmp-storage
Pod eviction issues
As the backups are assembled locally outside of the object storage target, temporary disk space is needed. The required space might exceed the size of the actual backup archive.
The default configuration will use the Toolbox pod’s file system to store the temporary data. If you find pod being evicted due to low resources, you should attach a persistent volume to the pod to hold the temporary data.
On GKE, add the following settings to your Helm command:
--set gitlab.toolbox.persistence.enabled=true
If your backups are being run as part of the included backup cron job, then you will want to enable persistence for the cron job as well:
--set gitlab.toolbox.backups.cron.persistence.enabled=true
For other providers, you may need to create a persistent volume. See our Storage documentation for possible examples on how to do this.
“Bucket not found” errors
If you see
Bucket not found
errors during backups, check the
credentials are configured for your bucket.
The command depends on the cloud service provider:
You should see a list of available buckets.
“AccessDeniedException: 403” errors in GCP
An error like
[Error] AccessDeniedException: 403 <GCP Account> does not have storage.objects.list access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
usually happens during a backup or restore of a GitLab instance, because of missing permissions.
The backup and restore operations use all buckets in the environment, so
confirm that all buckets in your environment have been created, and that the GCP account can access (list, read, and write) all buckets:
Find your toolbox pod:
kubectl get pods -lrelease=RELEASE_NAME,app=toolbox
Get all buckets in the pod’s environment. Replace
with your actual toolbox pod name, but leave
as it is:
kubectl describe pod <toolbox-pod-name> | grep "BUCKET_NAME"
Confirm that you have access to every bucket in the environment:
# List
gsutil ls gs://<bucket-to-validate>/
# Read
gsutil cp gs://<bucket-to-validate>/<object-to-get> <save-to-location>
# Write
gsutil cp -n <local-file> gs://<bucket-to-validate>/