Introduction to Anaplan
Anaplan, a leading provider of enterprise cloud software, focuses on empowering organizations to achieve better business outcomes through effective planning and leadership. In the UK, Anaplan offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist businesses in financial planning, budgeting, and supply chain management.
Tax Management Approach
Anaplan is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of tax compliance and integrity. The company ensures adherence to all tax regulations, aiming to pay the correct amount of tax in a timely manner. With a robust governance structure in place, Anaplan manages its tax obligations effectively from both operational and risk management perspectives.
Tax Risk Management and Governance
Anaplan has established governance, policies, and processes to meet its tax obligations adequately. The Board of Directors holds overall accountability for Anaplan's tax management approach, delegating day-to-day responsibilities to the EMEA Group Financial Controller. The Board receives regular updates on UK tax compliance, material tax risks, and related controls to ensure alignment with Anaplan's tax-risk appetite.
Tax Planning Strategy
Anaplan engages in tax planning activities that support its business objectives and strategic goals. While leveraging available tax reliefs and incentives, the company ensures that tax positions align with the intended purpose of transactions and maintain consistency with legislators' intentions. The Board oversees tax planning decisions to guarantee alignment with Anaplan's tax management approach.
Risk Management and Taxation
Anaplan proactively identifies, monitors, and manages tax risks, particularly in cases where tax laws present complexity and ambiguity. The company seeks expert advice from reputable third-party advisers to validate its tax positions. The Board provides oversight on tax risk management, ensuring the implementation of appropriate controls.
Relationship with Tax Authorities
Anaplan maintains an open and transparent dialogue with HMRC, resolving any errors or disputes through proactive discussions and negotiations. By engaging with tax authorities in good faith, Anaplan demonstrates its commitment to compliance and ethical tax practices.