Automate Contract Processes for Faster, More Intelligent Deals
Evisort offers an AI-native Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution that ensures faster and more intelligent deal-making. By streamlining and scaling contract processes, Evisort provides configurable tools that automate contract intake, drafting, redlining, approvals, execution, reporting, and renewals. This comprehensive system not only saves time but also enhances the efficiency and accuracy of contract management.
Empower Business Stakeholders with Clause Creator and Self-Serve Intake Forms
Evisort's Clause Creator enables users to draft new language in seconds, facilitating quick customization of contracts. Additionally, the support for third-party paper allows for accelerated review of all agreement types. Business stakeholders can now request contracts and receive updates automatically through self-serve intake forms, empowering them to drive the contract process forward without delays.
Enhance Collaboration and Integration with Salesforce Integration and Clause Library
Evisort's integration with Salesforce and CRM tools enables teams to seamlessly request and track contracts directly from their preferred platforms. The clause library feature allows users to manage, insert, and replace preferred, fallback, and walkaway language, ensuring consistency and compliance throughout the contract lifecycle.
Optimize Workflow Automation and Redlining with Advanced Features
Evisort's advanced features include document editor capabilities that allow users to review, redline, compare versions, comment, and tag teammates directly within the platform. Document groups can be quickly organized through hierarchical relationships for better organization. Workflow automation efficiently routes agreements for stakeholder review and approval based on contract variables, while redlining and version control features facilitate easy tracking of changes and collaboration.
Accelerate Execution and Negotiations with Integrated E-Signature and Automated Redlining
Evisort further accelerates execution and negotiations through integrated e-signature options with Adobe Sign and DocuSign. Contract requests move seamlessly through each workflow step with automatic notifications and a live status dashboard, keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged. Access to existing contracts allows for easy reference and searching, enabling users to understand obligations and precedents effectively.