Global Connectivity Needs in Aviation
In today's fast-paced world, passengers demand reliable connectivity throughout their journeys, and this demand is only set to increase. Eutelsat OneWeb is at the forefront of revolutionizing inflight connectivity across the aviation industry. From commercial airlines to business jet operators and smaller general aviation aircraft, Eutelsat OneWeb offers a tailored, seamless, high-speed experience that is reshaping the way people stay connected while traveling.
Truly Global Network Solutions
Eutelsat OneWeb provides a truly global network solution, ensuring that passengers can enjoy high-speed connectivity no matter where they are in the world. With a usable capacity of over 1 terabyte per second across the network and 7.2GB per second per satellite, Eutelsat OneWeb guarantees high throughput capacity and low inflight latency over every continent, ocean, and even polar regions. This level of connectivity opens up a world of possibilities for enhanced digital experiences and secure networks, redefining the inflight connectivity experience.
Game-Changing Connectivity for Aviation Operators
Eutelsat OneWeb is bringing game-changing connectivity to aviation operators of all sizes, including commercial airlines, regional carriers, and business jet operators. By enabling seamless connectivity for passengers, crew, and aircraft, Eutelsat OneWeb empowers operators to deliver a proactive and engaging inflight experience. This enhanced connectivity not only improves Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and customer loyalty but also provides access to critical data for operational efficiency and safety, regardless of fleet size or location.
Fibre-Like Connectivity for Passenger Entertainment
Passenger entertainment is at the core of inflight connectivity, and Eutelsat OneWeb ensures a fibre-like connectivity experience for streaming, gaming, and social interactions on mobile devices and laptops. By prioritizing passenger entertainment, Eutelsat OneWeb enhances the overall inflight experience, catering to the evolving demands of today's travelers.
Experience Eutelsat OneWeb Aviation Solutions
Ready to experience the next level of inflight connectivity with Eutelsat OneWeb? The aviation team is ready to assist you and your organization in embracing low earth orbit connectivity. Whether through onsite visits at dedicated facilities, online demos, or interactive tours, Eutelsat OneWeb offers partners the opportunity to explore the network services, capabilities, and benefits firsthand. Stay connected and up to speed with Eutelsat OneWeb's latest news and events by subscribing to newsletters for exclusive updates.