Introduction to Samco and SimScale
Samco, the Semiconductor and Materials Company, is a global pioneer in plasma technology, specializing in various semiconductor manufacturing systems. With a commitment to delivering durable and reliable equipment, Samco turned to SimScale for engineering insights. SimScale's cloud-native CFD, mechanical, and thermal simulation solutions enabled Samco's design department to enhance product performance and longevity.
Accessibility and Ease of Use
One of the key factors in Samco's decision to choose SimScale was its cloud-native design, offering cost-effective simulation solutions without the need for high-spec workstations. The intuitive browser-based UI and real-time support features made it accessible to designers and engineers without prior CAE experience. This ease of use allowed Samco to streamline the simulation process and maximize their engineering capabilities.
Vacuum Chamber Durability Analysis
Using SimScale's structural analysis tools, Samco conducted an in-depth study on the product lifetime of their Plasma Cleaner systems. By simulating vacuum chamber deformations and stresses, Samco engineers gained valuable insights into the operational durability of their equipment. The automatic mesh creation and refinement features in SimScale accelerated the simulation process, enabling Samco to run 50 simulations efficiently.
Project Outcomes and Future Directions
Through SimScale simulations, Samco was able to extend the product lifetime significantly, from 100,000 to 1,000,000 operating cycles. This 10x increase in longevity was achieved through precise design modifications based on simulation results. The utilization of SimScale not only saved costs and time on digital prototyping but also opened new avenues for material exploration and performance optimization. Looking ahead, Samco plans to expand its use of SimScale for thermal and flow analysis, aiming to further enhance their product development and innovation.