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Storage and Backups-Nutanix
Collector 4.0 Release Notes

Collector 4.0

Product Release Date: 2021-12-13

Last updated: 2021-12-15

What's New

Following are the new features in this release:

Collector Portal Bulk Change

The Collector Portal Application now provides you an option to edit the properties of multiple VMs at one go. The Bulk Change button is added to VM List tab that allows you to edit the properties such as power On/Off, Target Cluster, vCPUs, Memory (MiB), Thin Provisioned, Capacity (MiB), and Consumed (MiB) as needed.

Collector Portal Login Page Modifications

The Collector Portal login page now has the hyperlink that allows you to download the Collector Desktop Application package.

Collector Portal Sizing Details

Collector Portal 4.0 introduces the Sizing Details option that allows you to view the Sizer scenarios associated with the Collector projects.

Collector Portal Export checks for undersizing

If any of the powered OFF VM reports CPU utilization when the Collector data is being exported to Sizer or imported from Sizer, a warning message appears with the potential issue and recommendations.

Updated Features

Following are the feature updates made in this release:


The ONTAP CIFS Shares are now generally available.

ONTAP CIFS shares - Home Directory column added

The Collector output exported as an XLSX includes a new column "Home Directory" within the CIFS Share Info tab. This column shows whether the shares are configured as part of the CIFS home directory.

Prism, Hyper-V, and v-Center - VM Sizing column added

The Collector output (except for ONTAP CIFS shares) exported as an XLSX includes a new column "VM Sizing" to the vInfo and vmList tabs. This column shows whether the VM is considered for sizing.

Mask Sensitive Information

Collector Desktop application introduces a new option "Mask Sensitive Information" when saving the output as .XLSX. This allows you to mask or hide the sensitive information gathered by the Collector.

User interface enhancement

In the Nutanix Collector output screen, UX has been updated to drive users towards the Collector Portal via Show Collection file (.ZIP) over the .XLSX file.

Resolved Issues

The following issue is resolved in this release:

  • The memory consumption is now optimized to collect the data from larger Prism environments. This prevents the application from crashing due to low memory.
  • For Prism, Collector now supports data collection from different kinds of cluster environments.
  • The data collection mechanism is improved for Hyper-V instances. Collector can now generate the output in the Excel (.xlsx) format, even when any of the attributes for VMs, Cluster Name, and Disk Name are missing.

Known Issues

This section describes the issues found in this or recent releases that you might encounter:

  • The Nutanix Collector fails to connect to windows when the executable files are flagged or deleted by firewall or anti-virus setting.
  • VM Summary values appear as NaN in the collection file.
Collector 4.1 Release Notes

Collector 4.1

Product Release Date: 2022-05-26

Last updated: 2022-05-26

Updated Features

Following are the feature updates made in this release:

A new tab volumeGroups is added

The Collector output exported as an XLSX includes an additional tab for Volume Groups List. This allows you to look at the individual volume groups in case of AHV and their properties when the data is gathered via Prism.

ONTAP CIFS shares - Search Path column added

The Collector output exported as an XLSX includes a new column "Search Path" within the CIFS Share Info tab. This column shows the search paths that are configured for the home directory share.

Prism, Hyper-V, and v-Center - New columns added in vDisk tab

The following new columns are added in the vDisk tab:

  • Volume Group Name - This column shows the name of Volume Group if the disk belongs to it.
  • Volume Group Disk - This column shows whether the disk is part of the volume group.
  • Volume Group Shared - This column shows whether the volume group is shared across VMs
  • Disk UUID - This column shows the unique identifier of the disk.
  • Volume Group UUID - This column shows the unique identifier of the volume group.
Prism, Hyper-V, and v-Center - New columns added in vmList tab

The following new columns are added in vmList tab:

  • Volume Group Attached - This column shows whether the VMs has volume groups attached to it.
  • Volume Group Capacity (MiB) - This column shows the number of vDisks capacities that are part of the volume group.
  • Volume Group Consumed (MiB) - This column shows the number of vPartition capacities that are part of the volume group.
Prism, Hyper-V, and v-Center - New column added in vPartition tab

The following new column is added in the vPartition tab:

  • Volume Group Partition - This column shows whether the partition is part of the volume group.
Multiple NIC support for Prism Element
If a VM supports multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs), the Collector output (except for ONTAP CIFS shares) exported as an XLSX shows all the supported NICs in the vNetwork tab.
Provisioned Capacity
The provisioned capacity has been made to a default storage while exporting the compute workload through Prism, vCenter, Hyper-V and ONTAP CIFS shares.

The following features are available in the release:

  • In the project view screen of ONTAP projects, the user interface has been updated to let the users know that the option Export to Sizer is available only from Collector 4.1 and later versions.
  • In case of powered off VMs, the Prism now shows the performance data value as 'null' instead of 0 and the histogram chart is updated accordingly in the VMs Summary.
  • A specific error message is displayed in cases when someone registered to Collector but not to Sizer, tries to export the collected data to Sizer.
  • In the Collector Portal, optimized the process of fetching VM information for larger projects.

Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • The data center name is now correctly identified by the Collector for the Prism Element clusters.
  • Improved the time taken to collect the information via Prism when Collector is unable to collect the Guest OS information.
  • For Prism instances, Collector can now collect the cluster performance data even if there are intermittent errors when gathering the performance metrics.
  • Resolved an issue in collecting the vNetwork data for AOS (AHV - 20201105.2244) and higher versions.
  • Collector can now collect the data for multiple network interface cards that are associated with a single VM.
  • Resolved an issue where the Collector Portal was unable to generate XLSX file when NetApp ONTAP Volume did not report Consumed Capacity and Snapshot Reserved Capacity.
  • Resolved the cluster connection issue when trying to collect the data via Prism version AOS 5.15.4.
  • Resolved an issue where the data collection for Prism clusters get stuck while retrying the failed APIs.
  • Resolved an issue where the thin provisioning status shows inconsistent values in vDisk and vmList tabs.

Known Issues

This section describes the issues found in this or recent releases that you might encounter:

  • In case of vPartition entries, the datastores are not considered.
  • The Nutanix Collector fails to run when the executable files are flagged or deleted by firewall or anti-virus setting.
  • VM Summary values appear as NaN in the collection file.
  • Collector fails to gather the information when there is only one Prism Element cluster under the Prism Central.
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Collector 4.1.1 Open Source Software

Collector 4.1.1

Product Release Date: 2022-08-02

Last updated: 2022-08-02

Open Source Software In This Release

For more information about Collector open source licensing details, see Open Source Licenses for Collector.

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Collector 4.1.1 Release Notes

Collector 4.1.1

Product Release Date: 2022-08-02

Last updated: 2022-08-02

What's New

This Collector version includes the new features and updates from Collector version 4.1. For more information, see the Collector 4.1 Release Notes.

Resolved Issues

The following issue is resolved in this release:

  • Improved the code-signing of bits to avoid antivirus software identifying Nutanix Collector as a malicious software.

Open Source Software In This Release

For more information about Collector open source licensing details, see Open Source Licenses for Collector.

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Collector 4.2 Open Source Software

Collector 4.2

Product Release Date: 2022-09-14

Last updated: 2022-09-14

Open Source Software In This Release

For more information about Collector open source licensing details, see Open Source Licenses for Collector.

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Collector 4.2 Release Notes

Collector 4.2

Product Release Date: 2022-09-14

Last updated: 2022-09-14

Updated Features

Following are the feature updates made in this release:

Performance Improvements
  • The data collection and output generation for Prism, vCenter, Hyper-V clusters, hosts, and VMs, and ONTAP CIFS shares is improved by 2x to 3x.
  • The progress bar of the data collection for Prism, vCenter, and Hyper-V VMs provides more granular and better information on the progress being made.
  • Rerunning data collection from different datacenters or clusters registered with the same vCenter, Prism, and ONTAP CIFS shares instances are faster due to caching.
Prism, Hyper-V, and v-Center - New column added in vPartition tab

A new column Collector vPartition UUID is added in the vPartition tab to account only unique entry for calculating the storage capacity and consumed storage.

Improved Logs Collection for Troubleshooting
  • For the Nutanix Collector desktop application, you can configure the log levels such as info, debug, error, critical, and warning based on the logs you want to collect for troubleshooting.
  • A new file collector-client.log has been added in the Nutanix Collector bundle to collect the logs for troubleshooting.
Configure Port Number
If the listener port's default port number is in use, you can configure the port that is unused to establish a connection.

Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Fixed the instances for which the VM Summary value appeared as NaN in the output collection file.
  • For Prism, the storage capacity is now captured for the volume groups that are associated with File Server VMs.
  • For vHosts, fixed the 95th percentile value of the IOPS, number of read, and number of write operations that appeared empty in the output collection file.
  • The VM level provisioned and consumed storage now accounts only unique partitions.
  • Nutanix Collector supports data collection from the servers that has more number of VMs due to performance enhancements.
  • Data collection failure due to the unsupported delimiter formats is resolved.

Known Issues

This section describes the issues found in this or recent releases that you might encounter:

  • In case of vPartition entries, the datastores are not considered.
  • Collector fails to gather the information when there is only one Prism Element cluster under the Prism Central.

    For the workaround, see the section Troubleshooting of the Collector User Guide .

Open Source Software In This Release

For more information about Collector open source licensing details, see Open Source Licenses for Collector.

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